25 Most Useful Tips to Make Him Miss You

Craving a strong connection with someone special can be distressing. Fret not; learn some simple yet effective tips to make him miss you and leave him yearning for your presence!

Anubhuti Mishra
Written by Anubhuti Mishra , Relationship Expert
Updated on May 23, 2024 | 10:26 AM IST | 635.1K
Here are the Tips to make him miss you
Here are the Tips to make him miss you

There is a special kind of excitement that comes from having someone special missing you and being on their mind. The feeling of knowing he cannot wait to see you again, and your allure occupying his thoughts throughout the day can bring a smile to your face. Be it a committed partner or your crush, trying to win the heart of that special someone can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it is possible to make him miss you.

Building a strong and reliable connection is the key to strengthening the bond you share, and one way to achieve this is to make him long for you when you are not around. Sharing information about the qualities that draw a man to a woman, our contributor Chris Pleines, Dating expert at Dating Scout - a dating site, says, “The mystery of the unknown is one of the many factors that can draw a man to a woman when they are apart, as it creates curiosity and intrigue.

Another factor is the feminine and flirtatious gestures and body language, which suggests interest and availability, as well as the charm and confidence. The difference and harmony of the genders can make them more drawn and connected to each other.” By creating an air of mystery and intrigue, and by sincerely focusing on self-improvement, you can leave a memorable impact that encourages him to think about you even when you are apart. Moreover, by implementing these suggestions, you will not only make him long for your presence more but also fortify the love and affection between you two.


This article will explore various subtle yet effective tips and tactics to make him miss you while maintaining a positive and loving connection. Read on!

1. Do Not Be Available 24x7

Tips to make him miss you

Often when we like someone, we tend to be available for them regardless of the time of the day or schedule. However, being available 24x7 can be detrimental to your equation. If you are always available, your partner may start to take you for granted and not value the time you spend together. It is important to have some space and make sure that your person misses you when you are not around. This simple tip to make him miss you will also help them appreciate the time both of you spend with each other more.

2. Give Him Subtle Reminders of Your Love

Everyone needs to feel loved and appreciated. Showing someone that you care about them is a great way to make them feel special. Give him subtle reminders of your love, and let him know how much you care for him. There are many ways to do this, from sending thoughtful texts or leaving little notes around the house to surprising him with his favorite meal or simply giving him a hug when he least expects it. All these small gestures can go a long way in making your partner feel loved and appreciated. They will also help keep the spark alive and make him miss you when you are not around.


3. Give Him Space to Take Care of His Needs

It is important to give your person space to take care of his needs. This can help him feel more connected to you and is a great tip to make him miss you when you are apart. Giving him space also allows him to work on himself and focus on his own goals without feeling like he has to be responsible for yours, too. Allowing each other to have time apart can be beneficial for both of you, as it gives you time and energy to focus on yourself and your own needs. This can help create a stronger bond between the two of you, as well as give each partner a sense of independence that is essential to start or maintain a healthy relationship.

4.  Avoid Being Desperate Or Needy

Whether you are in a relationship or wish to be in one with your crush, being desperate or needy can be a huge turn-off. It can make the other person feel smothered and overwhelmed, and it can kill the attraction that you have for each other. If you want to make your special someone or your man miss you more, then it is important to avoid being desperate or needy in the relationship.


Sharing more on the topic our contributor Chris Pleines, says, “To draw a line between being aloof and self-focused, yet in anticipation of affection, try understanding yourself. Ask yourself questions like, are you naturally introverted or extroverted? Do you need a lot of personal space and time? Recognize your own needs and boundaries.” Instead of trying to get his attention all the time, focus on yourself and do things that make you happy. This will give him space to miss you and appreciate what they have with you.

5. Support Him

Tips to make him miss you

Supporting your partner is one of the most important aspects of any relationship. It is a way to show your love and appreciation for them, and it can help to make your bond stronger. When you support him, it will make him miss you more and he will appreciate the effort you put in to make him feel loved.

Supporting him can come in many forms, from small gestures like sending a thoughtful text message or buying his favorite snack, to bigger gestures like taking time out of your day to listen and talk with him. Showing that you care about his needs and wants will go a long way in making sure he feels appreciated by you!


6. Be Patient to Let Him Take an Initiative

Being patient is key to achieving anything in life. It is important to give your partner the time and space they need to take the initiative and make them miss you more. Patience allows them to come back to you with a new perspective or appreciation for the relationship.

It also allows them to show their commitment and strengthen the bond between you two. Being patient can be difficult when all you want to do is sit beside them and have a heart-to-heart conversation, but it is worth it in the long run as it can help deepen your connection with your partner.

7. Do Not Complain

Complaining and nagging are not the best ways to make someone miss you. It can have a negative impact on your crush or man and make him resentful instead of missing you. If you want to make him miss you more, it is important to focus on positive communication and actions.

Show him that you care about him and his feelings, give compliments, express appreciation for the things he does for you, and be supportive in difficult times. These are some of the best ways to make him miss you too without having to resort to complaining or nagging.


8. Spend Quality Time Whenever You Are Together

Spending quality time together is one of the best ways to make your relationship stronger and make him miss you more. It allows you to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a meaningful way. When you both spend quality time together, it can help build trust and understanding between the two of you.

It also helps to create a bond that will last longer than just a few days or weeks. Quality time is also important for creating memories that will stay with both of you forever. By spending quality time whenever you are together, you can create deeper connections with each other and make him miss you even more when apart.

9. Do Not Try to Impress by Agreeing to Everything He Says

Agreeing with everything someone says is not the way to make them miss you. Trying to impress someone by agreeing with everything they say can be seen as misleading and might actually have the opposite effect. So, it is important to have your own opinion and voice it respectfully in order to create a meaningful connection.

Doing so will make them respect you more and miss you even when you are not around. Furthermore, having an opinion shows that you are confident in yourself which is attractive in its own right.

10. Find Mutual Hobbies to Enjoy

Tips to make him miss you

It is always a great idea to find mutual hobbies to enjoy with your partner. This can be a great way to connect and bond with each other, while also having fun together. Finding mutual hobbies that you both enjoy will make him miss you and create an even stronger connection between the two of you whenever you are not physically present. Not only will it create a stronger bond, but it can also help strengthen your relationship by giving you something to talk about and share together.

Whether it is playing board games, taking cooking classes, or going on hikes, finding mutual hobbies that you both enjoy is sure to make him miss you more than usual everytime he is partaking in those activities.

11. Wear His Favorite Perfume Everytime You Meet Him

Wearing your partner's favorite perfume everytime you meet him can be a great way to make him miss you. It is a subtle reminder of your presence and brings back fond memories of the time spent together. Not only will it make him feel special, but it will also make you feel closer to him when you wear his favorite scent. The scent can bring back the feeling of being in love and remind him why he fell for you in the first place. Wearing his favorite perfume every time you meet him is an easy way to keep your relationship fresh and exciting!


12. Do Not Reveal Everything About Yourself

It is important to remember that when it comes to relationships, it is not always best to reveal everything about yourself. Doing so can actually have a negative effect on the relationship, as it can lead to your partner feeling overwhelmed or even bored.

The key is to maintain a bit of mystery and intrigue in the relationship so that your partner or someone special will be constantly wanting more of you. By not revealing everything about yourself right away, you can create a sense of anticipation and excitement in the person, making him miss you as he craves to know more of you.

By keeping some things about yourself hidden and not giving away all of your secrets at once, you can ensure that your person remains interested in learning more about who you are and what makes you unique.

13. Surprise Him with His Favorite Food Or Drink

Who does not love a delicious surprise? Surprising your man or crush with his favorite food or drink is a great way to show your love and appreciation for him, and it will remind him of the wonderful times you have shared together. Whether it is a homemade meal or something from their favorite restaurant, the gesture will be sure to put a smile on their face. You can even take it one step further by adding in some thoughtful touches, like writing them a note or decorating the plate with flowers.

No matter how you choose to surprise him, he will appreciate the thoughtfulness behind your gesture, and it will definitely make him miss you like crazy when he is hungry and feeling too lazy to cook or get food!

14. Show Off Your Pleasant Personality

Showing off your pleasant personality is about showing your person that you are confident, interesting, and fun. When you show off your amicable persona, it gives him a glimpse into the kind of person you are and why he should be missing you. So, be yourself, do not be afraid to express your thoughts and feelings, dress to impress, and let him see how thoughtful, kindhearted, wonderful, and captivating you are. The more he will recognize and become aware of these qualities, the more he will start to miss you when you are not around!

15. Keep Your Conversations Limited

Tips to make him miss you

When you limit the amount of time that you spend talking to him, it creates a sense of longing for more. Also, make sure not to urge him to continue talking or indulge in small talk if you see him busy. On the contrary, you can become the first person to end the conversation. Moreover, do not reply to his texts or calls within seconds and rather take some time and let the tension build.


The less he hears from you, the more he will start to think about you and miss what he does not have. This is also a great way to make sure that your relationship stays strong and that he never takes you for granted.

16. Big No to Text Bombarding

Keeping your conversations restricted is an important tip to make him miss you. It means that you should not bombard him with messages, calls, or other forms of communication. Instead, you should be selective and strategic in the conversations that you have with him. This will create a sense of anticipation and curiosity in his mind which will make him more likely to think about and miss you.

It can also be used as a way to show respect for the other person's time and space while still keeping them updated about and interested in what is going on in your life. Being selective about when and how often you communicate with someone can help to keep the relationship alive and thriving even when there are long periods of no contact.

17. Do Not Make Your Feelings Obvious

Making your feelings too obvious can make the other person feel uncomfortable and put them off. It is better to take a step back and let the other person miss you. This way, you can create a strong emotional connection without making things too awkward.

Moreover, making your feelings noticeable should be done in moderation and with caution. If done incorrectly, it can have a negative effect on your person, making you end up being taken for granted or them feeling overwhelmed or smothered. Also, the more you push your emotions on someone, the more likely they will withdraw from you. So, be aware of how you express yourself to start and maintain healthy connections.

18. Try to Leave Lasting Impressions

By leaving lasting impressions, like sending thoughtful gifts or doing something special for him, it will show him that he is important to you and that he is worth making an effort for. This will make him appreciate you more and also make him miss you when he is away from you. Showing your love and care in small ways will create a strong bond between the two of you that will last long after the relationship has ended.

19. Mirror Him

Mirroring your man is all about reflecting his body language, actions, words, and behavior. In short, mimic him in order to create an emotional connection and evoke feelings of longing and nostalgia when you are not around. It is a powerful way to show him how much he means to you, make him feel appreciated, and make him realize how perfectly both of you gel together.


However, make sure, you do not make him uncomfortable with being mocked. So, aim for simple gestures like nodding your head, mirroring his smile, replicating his hand movements, or making eye contact and blinking together.

Though these gestures are subtle, they will prove your genuine interest in them without you having to actually say it out loud and will leave them missing your presence when you are not physically present.

20. Ask for His Opinions to Make Him Feel Important

Tips to make him miss you

Everyone likes to feel important and valued, and one of the best ways to show someone that you care about them is to ask for their opinion. Asking for his opinion allows you to get a better understanding of his thoughts and feelings, while also making him feel appreciated. Not only will this make your man feel important, but it will also help you create a deeper connection with him.

Moreover, asking for his opinions can be a great way to make him miss you when you are apart. This can be especially helpful if you are in a long-distance relationship or if you have been apart for an extended time. He will remember how much he values your conversations together and miss being able to talk with you more often.

21. Use Your Body Language

Using your body language smartly can be an effective way to make a guy miss you. From subtle gestures to more overt displays of affection, your body language can convey emotion and create an emotional connection with the person you are trying to attract or impress. Using your body language to make someone miss you is all about understanding how the other person perceives your actions. So, we would suggest using subtle cues like eye contact, touch, and posture to send assertive signals that will make him miss you even when you are not around. Moreover, by learning and mastering how to use your body language effectively, you can create a strong emotional bond with the person that will make them think of you often and long for your presence in their life.

22. Subtly Leave Your Things Behind

When it comes to getting someone to miss you, leaving your things behind can be an effective way to do it. Leaving a piece of clothing, a book, or even a note can be a modest way of lingering on their minds.

Tactfully leaving your things behind is not only an effective way to make someone miss you, but it can also be a great way to keep the spark alive in a relationship. By leaving something small and personal behind, you show that you care and that you are thinking of them even when you are apart.


Using this technique subtly will help ensure that your partner does not feel overwhelmed by your presence or feel smothered by your affection. It is important to remember that the key is subtlety — do not leave too much behind or too often — just enough for him to notice and think about when they come across it.

23. Be Yourself

Come from a place of confidence as a woman and do not shy away from showing your true self — there is no better way to make him miss you than being yourself. It is impossible to pretend to be someone else or be insincere and expect them to miss you when you are not around.

Being yourself allows you to be authentic, honest, and open with your feelings, which can make it easier for your partner to recognize how special you are. Additionally, being yourself will help build trust in the relationship and will make it easier for him to miss you when apart.

24. Focus on Your Goals

When it comes to making your guy, crush, or even an ex miss you, the key is to set clear goals and ambitions and focus on them. Having a clear idea of what you want to achieve will help you stay motivated and focused on achieving your goal. When you are an independent woman focused on achieving a target, you tend to give off a strong, passionate, and positive energy that can be felt by those around you.

This will make them miss you more as they are drawn to your ambition and drive. By focusing on your goals, you can create a situation where the person is missing out on the special moments they could be having with you. This will make them realize how much they value being around you and make them miss you even more.

25. Indulge in Self Love and Self Care

Tips to make him miss you

Self-love is the foundation for healthy, happy, and long-term relationships. Pampering yourself can help you feel better, both physically and emotionally. Doing things that make you feel good can lift your spirits and make him miss you like crazy.

Take some time to relax, enjoy yourself, and indulge in some self-care activities that make you feel special. Spend time doing things that bring you joy, including taking a long bath, reading a book, going for a walk, or doing yoga. Moreover, showing yourself love and care will not only make him miss you more but also help strengthen your relationship with him by making it healthier and more fulfilling.


In today's fast-paced world, it is natural to seek a deeper connection with someone special, especially if you are in a romantic relationship. Strengthening that bond can be particularly important, whether you are in a long-distance relationship or wish to take things to next level with your crush. To make someone miss you, it is important to create a sense of longing and appreciation in their mind.

The key is to not be too obvious in your efforts and to allow them to miss you in their own time. By giving him space, being the best version of yourself, and maintaining a healthy life balance, you can pique his interest and make him think of you even when you are not around. Keep these tips to make him miss you like crazy the next time you want to become an unforgettable presence in his mind – you never know, he may fall head over heels for you!

Contributor: Chris Pleines, Dating expert - Datingscout

How do you make a guy never forget you?
A significant way to make a guy never forget you is by giving him space. When you make a guy feel special but give him the chance to think about it by limiting your texts and calls, he will automatically feel the urge to contact you. Moreover, remember not to be available for him 24x7. Leave behind subtle hints, and let him be so that he craves you whenever he comes across those hints.

How to make him chase you?
One of the best ways to make your guy chase you is when you stop going after them. Instead, love yourself and work on yourself. Devote time to your career and life in general to thrive. The moment he realizes how you have flourished, he will come chasing you and express his desire to be in your life.

What makes a man fall in love deeply?
Emotional and physical connection, attraction, attachment, empathy, and intimate compatibility are a few essential things that make a man fall deeply in love.

About The Author
Anubhuti Mishra
Anubhuti Mishra
Relationship Expert

A marked inclination toward understanding human emotions and relationships led Anubhuti to become a ...

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