Who Cheats More Men Or Women? Explore the Reality of Infidelity

Delve into the complex dynamics of infidelity to find out who cheats more, men or women. Check out the signs and swear by open communication to avoid heartbreak.

Aastha Pahadia
Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on May 23, 2024 | 04:19 PM IST | 624K
Who Cheats More Men or Women
Who Cheats More Men or Women

While exploring the complicated world of relationships, one age-old query continues to echo: who cheats more, men or women? Men are often thought to have stronger sexual desires compared to women. This can make people believe men might be more prone to cheating in serious relationships. However, is this belief based on reality or just a misconception? And what exactly counts as "cheating" anyway? If you are still confused about who is more unfaithful in monogamous relationships, then let’s dive right in to understand whether gender plays a pivotal role in matters of betrayal and trust. We'll look closer at who might be more likely to cheat and what factors motivate a person to take the route of betrayal. Let’s scroll down and uncover the facts together.

What Is Cheating?

who cheats more men and women

Cheating refers to breaking the rules or agreements of a relationship by engaging in romantic, intimate, or sexual affairs with someone other than your partner. It involves being emotionally or physically involved with someone outside the relationship in a way that causes betrayal or hampers the trust. Cheating can take various forms, including flirting, kissing, having sexual relations, or maintaining emotional connections beyond the boundaries agreed upon within the committed relationship. However, different people might define cheating in different ways.  

Women often view emotional affairs as more significant than sexual ones, whereas men might see it differently. However, no matter the perspective, any form of infidelity can cause substantial harm to a long-term relationship. Because individuals can have varying opinions about cheating, it is vital to have open discussions about what two partners expect from an emotional connection. Make sure to be clear about your goals and intentions from the very beginning of your romantic relationship. What might not seem significant to one person could be very important to their partner.


Is Cheating More Common Today?

who cheats more men and women

With the introduction of social media and online platforms, the opportunities for connecting with others have expanded, impacting how people interact outside their relationships. Thus, cheating is more common today compared to the past. However, when seeking the answer to the question of how common cheating is in a relationship, it is challenging to state a definite answer or number.

This kind of behavior can be influenced by various factors, such as the belief and expectations of an individual from a relationship, their openness to establishing connections on social media sites, and cultural shifts. Factors like shifting attitudes toward relationships, changing expectations, and individual circumstances all play a role in shaping the frequency of cheating. It's essential to consider these complexities when discussing whether cheating is more common today.

Cheating is more common in dating relationships than in marriages. From sexual to emotional infidelity, there are various forms of cheating, and it's often linked to attachment avoidance or avoiding commitment rather than just a hunger for sexual fantasies.


Who Cheats More Men Or Women?

who cheats more men and women

Whether men or women cheat more in relationships is complex and has no straightforward answer. Research and statistics may vary according to the demographics and other factors that can make it challenging to determine which gender cheats more definitively. However, according to The Institute for Family Studies (IFS), “men are more likely to cheat than women, with 20% of men and 13% of women reportedly being intimate with someone other than their partner while still married.” But, this ratio can vary according to the gender gap. Between 18 and 29, women admit to cheating more frequently than men.

In all age groups beyond this range, men tend to report higher levels of infidelity rate. Both men and women tend to admit to cheating more frequently as they age. For women, infidelity reaches its highest point in their 60s, after which the numbers decrease. On the other hand, men report the highest levels of cheating in their 70s. Although the numbers fall as men reach their 80s, the drop isn't substantial.


Even though the infidelity statistics conclude the percentage of men who cheat is more, married women might cheat just as often as men, if not more. Still, they are great at concealing their extramarital affairs. Female infidelity is quite common these days. Sure, researchers propose that women are more cautious about not leaving traces of disloyalty. Women tend to lose more if their partners discover their infidelity, including divorce, financial challenges, and the pressures of single parenting. Moreover, women are more likely to encounter domestic violence from male partners, which might make them less likely to confess their affairs.

Check out These Tell-tale Signs of Infidelity 

  • They Completely Shift Their Behavior

They might become more secretive about their activities, defensive when questioned, or emotionally distant. These changes could be signs of potential cheating. Keep a tab on their daily behavior and cross-examine before making false assumptions, as these behavior alterations can also stem from other factors.

  • They Stay Emotionally Detached from You

who cheats more men and women

If they lack interest in spending quality time together, stop sharing their feelings with you, or appear distant and unengaged. This kind of behavior might indicate a disconnect in the relationship.

  • They Get Secretive About Their Activities

If your partner becomes more guarded about their personal information, they might be involved in an affair. They might keep their phone, computer, or social media accounts private, avoid discussing their daily activities, or be vague about where they've been. These behaviors might raise doubts about potential cheating. However, it's essential to recognize that privacy needs vary, and not all secretive behavior is related to sexual infidelity.

  • They Show Unusual Changes in Work-related Routines

Unusual working hours are shifts in a person's work schedule that seem out of the ordinary. This might include sudden and unexplained overtime at work or significant changes in their usual work routines. These changes can suggest that something is amiss. However, it's crucial to remember that work-related differences can arise for various reasons beyond infidelity.

  • They Make Efforts to Change Their Appearance

who cheats more men and women

An unexpected change in grooming habits, dressing differently, or being overly concerned about their looks. If there's a sudden surge in self-care, it could point toward potential unfaithfulness. When someone significantly tries to boost their appearance without an evident motive, it might imply an intention to attract or captivate another partner. This shift can signify that they are ready to pursue a new romantic connection.

  • They Go All Mysterious About Their Absences

Suppose your partner spends more time away from home without explaining clearly. This behavior can suggest that they might be involved in a romantic affair. They don't want to disclose it before you, so they cannot explain it. Make sure to understand their reasons closely, and if you feel that their motives are invalid, try to communicate openly.

  • They Start Defending Themselves 

Showing excessive defensiveness, especially when asked about actions, whereabouts, or behavioral changes, can raise concerns about potential infidelity. If your partner becomes abnormally defensive, evades straightforward questions, or responds with irritation or anger when discussing your worries, it could signal an attempt to conceal something. This behavior might indicate the need for open and honest communication to address the underlying issues.

who cheats more men and women


In relationships and fidelity, it's clear that the question of who cheats more men and women, isn't quickly answered. From different motivations and beliefs to values and personal choices—there are plenty of factors that play a significant role in influencing an unfaithful person. While statistics indicate that men cheat more, it's important to remember that not all men will cheat, nor does it imply that women won't cheat. So, it’s true that this intricate issue of disloyalty extends far beyond gender markers. Past experiences, current situations, emotions, circumstances, and beliefs can influence infidelity and betrayal.

Moreover, the definition of cheating differs for different people; thus, summing a final number or percentage of who is more likely to cheat between men and women is difficult. Irrespective of which gender tends to cheat more, married or unmarried couples can overcome infidelity with time, effort, and patience. Focus on enhancing relationship satisfaction to build a healthy emotional relationship. 

Also Read
Why Women Cheat: 15 Reasons And Signs Behind Women's Infidelity

Why Women Cheat: 15 Reasons And Signs Behind Women's Infidelity


What percentage of married men cheat?
Statistical data indicates that approximately 20% of married men have been recorded as engaging in infidelity within their marriage. However, this number can change over time and across different demographics.

What percentage of women cheat?
The percentage of women who cheat in relationships or marriages is estimated to be around 13% to 15%.

Can a man cheat and still love his wife?
Yes, it's possible for a man to cheat and still have feelings of love for his wife. However, the complexities of emotions and relationships can vary from person to person. For some people, it's hard to make their actions match their feelings, while others might have more complex reasons for why they act the way they do.

About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on rel...

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