Helena Roman

Relationship Coach


Certified Life & Relationship Coach,
Accredited Professional Diploma, Relationship Coaching - accredited through CTAA,
Internationally Certified Trauma & Recovery Practitioner, accredited through IAOTH ,
Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Helena Roman is a Boston-based Relationship Strategist & Empowerment Coach and the founder of Sage Love Advice, with a passion for helping others go from confused to committed in the journey toward the love they deserve. Helena helps the women she serves to unlock their relationship potential by becoming more mindful daters and relationship partners. Using her decades of experience coupled with her compassionate style, Helena helps you successfully take charge of your romantic dreams, effortlessly weed through relationship quagmires, and achieve the healthy, deeply fulfilling connection you truly deserve. She also has an experience of 24 years of offering spiritual counseling including 3 years working as a Master Elite Advisor for top networks and also12 years of experience as a relationship coach helping singles and couples go from casual to committed.

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Articles Reviewed By Helena Roman

The Reality of Daughters Who Blame Their Mothers for Everything: Reasons Uncovered
The Reality of Daughters Who Blame Their Mothers for Everything: Reasons Uncovered