The series follows the journey of Im Sol, an ardent fan of idol Ryu Sun-jae. Sol, a once-promising film director whose dreams were shattered by an accident that left her paralyzed, finds solace in the music of Sun-Jae
Image: tvN
Lovely Runner
A high school student discovers she’s a character in a comic and sets out to change her fate
Image: MBC
Extraordinary You
A high school student who loves music is transported back in time to 1995
Twinkling Watermelon
Image: tvN
Both have ‘bad boy’ second male leads and a high school setting
True Beauty
Image: tvN
Explores themes of romance and time travel just like the Lovely Runner
A Time Called You
Image: Netflix
This is also a drama that follows time travel and romance just like the ongoing K-drama Lovely Runner
Marry My Husband
Image: tvN
Both dramas have an idol male lead experiencing depression
The Heavenly Idol
Image: tvN
Both dramas deal with serious topics and coming-of-age elements
Twenty-Five Twenty-One
Image: tvN
Both dramas have a female lead who is a fan of the male lead
The Universe’s Star
Image: MBC
Features time travel and a love story similar to "Lovely Runner