High School Return of a Gangster follows the story of a 47-year-old gangster, Kim Deuk Pal whose spirit takes over a high school student’s body he saves from committing suicide
Image: TVING
Intriguing Plot
In control of Song Yi Heon’s body, Kim Deuk Pal gets the chance to fulfill his dream of going to high school, but being 47 years old in a 19-year-old body in a school comes with its own fun problems
A gangster in school
Image: TVING
Yoon Chan Young’s exemplary acting as he tackles two personalities a student and a gangster is enough to make you watch it, he is perfect in every sense
Yoon Chan Young
Image: TVING
Bong Jaehyun as Choi Se Kyung is outstanding, he brings studious charm, star kid, confidence, domestic trauma, and more in the perfect quantity to captivate
Bong Jaehyun
Image: TVING
Beginning with suicide being committed by a bullied student, who then with the help of a gangster’s spirit changes his life, is a beautiful way of showing overcoming trauma
Theme of overcoming trauma
Image: TVING
High School Return of a Gangster reinstates the importance of fighting back against bullies and not letting them take control of your life
Fighting Back
Image: TVING
Yoon Chan Young and Bong Jaehyun’s bromance is one of the biggest highlights of the drama, they slowly become close friends and confidants who come together to take down bullies
Image: TVING
High School Return of a Gangster is filled with eye-catching action sequences that will make you scream
Image: TVING
The drama brings the theme of friendship and its true meaning as helping each other and being each other’s support like Song Yi Heon helps Choi Se Kyung in tackling his domestic violence
Image: TVING
One of the most satisfying feelings that High School Return of a Gangster leaves viewers with is sweet revenge, this major theme runs rampant in the drama as Song Yi Heon takes revenge on bad guys