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Sanjukta Choudhury


may 30, 2024

Worst Fashion Mistakes to Avoid

Image: Freepik

Clothes that are too tight or too loose can ruin your look. Ensure a proper fit for a polished appearance

Wearing Ill-Fitting Clothes

Too many accessories can be overwhelming. Stick to a few key pieces to enhance your outfit

 Overloading on Accessories

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Always dress appropriately for the occasion. Ignoring the dress code can make you stand out in a negative way

 Ignoring Dress Codes

Image: Freepik

Combining multiple patterns can clash. Stick to one or two complementary patterns for a cohesive look

 Mixing Too Many Patterns

Image: Freepik

Shoes can make or break an outfit. Ensure your footwear matches the style and color of your attire

 Wearing the Wrong Shoes

Image: Freepik

Overusing Trends

Not every trend suits everyone. Choose trends that align with your personal style and body type

Image: Freepik

Wearing Wrinkled Clothes

Wrinkled clothes can look sloppy. Always iron or steam your clothes for a neat appearance

Image: Freepik

Overcomplicating outfits can be a mistake. Invest in quality basics that form the foundation of any stylish wardrobe

 Ignoring the Power of Basics

Image: Freepik

Dressing out of season can be uncomfortable and look odd. Wear fabrics and styles suited to the current weather and season

Forgetting Seasonal Appropriateness

Image: Freepik

Clashing colors can be jarring. Learn to coordinate colors that complement each other for a harmonious outfit

Misjudging Color Coordination

Image: Freepik

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Image: Freepik

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