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Jiya Surana 


june 1, 2024

10 signs you're his future wife

When a man starts to look at you as his future wife, your opinion will mean everything to him


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If your guy has seen you at your worst and keeps coming back for more, that's a pretty clear sign that you're definitely his future wife


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In a relationship that's headed for marriage, a partner may tell you or indicate that their life is better with you in it


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One of the biggest clues that a man sees you as his future wife is if he casually brings up the family during conversations


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He will always keep you updated on every single thing in his life not because he feels like he has to but because he really wants to


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The surroundings are very important. If most of his friends are happily married couples, it is natural that he thinks about it too


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He shows a genuine interest in your life, hobbies, and passions, wanting to know more about what makes you happy

He can't imagine his life without you, and you both feel like you've found your perfect match in each other


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He introduces you to his family and friends, integrating you into his inner circle and showing that you're an important part of his life


Image: Freepik

There is a healthy level of physical affection and intimacy in the relationship, showing a deep connection and attraction between you


Image: Freepik

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