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Priyanshi Shah


june 27, 2024

10 visa-free islands for Indians

Known for its beautiful landscapes ranging from lush rainforests and sandy beaches, Sri Lanka is perfect for wildlife safaris and delicious cuisine

Sri Lanka

Image Source: Freepik

This island in the Indian oceans has mesmerizing beaches, coral reefs, and crystal-clear lagoons


Image Source: Freepik

The Seychelles offers amazing snorkeling, and diving adventures, and peaceful nature to unwind 


Image Source: Freepik

Famous for its vibrant culture, landscapes, and reggae music, Jamaica is an ideal mix of urban and natural attractions


Image Source: Freepik

Known for its white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and cultural scenes, this island has a variety of water sports and historic sites to explore and enjoy


Image Source: Freepik

Famous for its fragrant spices, lush rainforests, and beaches, this island is perfect for all hiking lovers


Image Source: Freepik

St. Vincent and the Grenadines is famous for its mesmerizing landscapes, beaches, greenery, and mountains

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Image Source: Freepik

Renowned for its fascinating natural beauty, the British Virgin Islands has white sandy beaches, crystal-clear water, and coral reefs

British Virgin Islands

Image Source: Freepik

This island offering a perfect blend of natural beauty, vibrant festivals, and cultural diversity, is a must-visit place

Trinidad and Tobago

Image Source: Freepik

Enjoy the beautiful underwater landscapes, rich marine biodiversity, and unique cultural heritage at Micronesia


Image Source: Freepik

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