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Priyanshi Shah


june 14, 2024

Explore World’s Beautiful lost cities 

Tikal’s towering Mayan temples rise above the jungle, hinting at the ancient city’s grand ceremonies and bustling life

Tikal Guatemala

Image Source: Freepik

The ancient Persian capital, Ctesiphon, is famous for its massive vaulted hall and the world’s largest brick arch

Ctesiphon, Iraq

Image Source: Freepik

Built by the Gokomere people, Great Zimbabwe’s granite-walled palace and trade network ruins lie in a lush valley

Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

Image Source: Freepik

This ancient Indus Valley city showcases advanced town planning engineering though now threatened by erosion

Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan

Image Source: Freepik

Founded by a Turkish general, Bagerhat has 360 impressive mosques, including the famous Sixty Dome Mosque

Image Source: Freepik

Mosque City of Bagerhat, Bangladesh

The Anasazi people’s cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde include over 600 structures, with Chiff Palace housing around 100 people

Mesa Verde, Colorado, USA

Image Source: Freepik

Once twice the size of Paris, Vijayanagar was a bustling southern Indian empire with spectacular temples 

Vijayanagar, India

Image Source: Freepik

Known as the City of 1001 Churches, Ani’s evocative ruins stand in a green field, recalling a once-thriving American kingdom

Ani, Turkey

Image Source: Freepik

Thebes, Egypt

Image Source: Freepik

Thebes, Egypt’s ancient capital features grand temples like Luxor and Karnak, and the famous tomb of Tutankhamun

Founded by Darius I, Persepolis features intricate carvings and grand structures, showcasing the Achaemenid Empire’s former glory

Persepolis, Iran

Image Source: Freepik

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