Thunivu is a Tamil-language film released in 2023, belonging to the action and heist genre. The film is both written and directed by H. Vinoth. The story follows the titular character, referred to as Dark Devil played by Ajith Kumar. Radha, a notorious gangster, along with his men, devise a plan to ...
Thunivu is a Tamil-language film released in 2023, belonging to the action and heist genre. The film is both written and directed by H. Vinoth. The story follows the titular character, referred to as Dark Devil played by Ajith Kumar. Radha, a notorious gangster, along with his men, devise a plan to rob one of the biggest privately-owned banks in Chennai, called Your Bank. They get support from ACP Ramachandran and plan to rob a whopping ₹500 crore on 21 May, which coincides with the Governor's party event at his residence. On a planned day, Radha and his men barge into the bank but are taken aback when they realize that the bank has already been hijacked by a mysterious man who goes by the nickname of Michael Jackson, and his accomplice, Kanmani. To make matters worse, the commandos sent to handle the situation get defeated by Michael Jackson's team. After attacking the bank, Michael Jackson strikes a deal with Radha to rob ₹5000 crores. However, the bank locker contains only ₹1,510 crores, so Radha and his men plan to kill Jackson. Jackson insists on having Anto, a police constable, as the negotiator. Using a voice changer, he deceives people into believing he is Michael Jackson. Ramachandran tries to kill him, but Jackson escapes with a bomb explosion. The media gets wind of the events, and city commissioner Dayalan is called in to handle the situation. Jackson discovers hidden explosives disguised as fire extinguishers and realizes that a third team has entered the bank. Kanmani leads Jackson while they are tracked by the police, but Kanmani destroys their van and escapes. She exposes Ramachandran's involvement in the heist to Dayalan, who interrogates him and learns that he and his childhood friend Shyam planned the heist. Ramachandran initially tried to recruit Dark Devil, also known as Jackson, for the heist, but he declined. Instead, he hired Radha's gang, without informing them that they would be killed afterward. Radha and his men joined forces with Jackson after overhearing Ramachandran's confession through planted bugs. Shyam, the Tamil Nadu Branch Head, fled but was eventually caught by Kanmani. Dayalan discovered Valavan was responsible for the explosives in the drainage and began searching for him. The rest of the story is covered in films.