Who was Nyay Mway? South Asian boy shot dead by NYPD for holding a pellet gun

Nyay Mway, 13, a student at Donovan Middle School in Utica, New York, was fatally shot by the Utica police. Mway and another minor encountered police officers while walking down a street in Utica.

Published on Jun 30, 2024  |  07:14 PM IST |  13.9K
(Image Courtesy: Twitter)
Image Courtesy: Twitter/ Anthony Seoane
Key Highlight
  • Nyay Mway, a 13-year-old student was fatally shot by Utica police for holding a pellet gun
  • Incident unfolded when Mway and another minor encountered officers while walking down a street

Trigger Warning: This article contains references to an individual's death.

On Friday evening, tragedy struck 13-year-old Nyay Mway, a Donovan Middle School student in Utica, New York. He was walking down the street with another minor when he came across police officers. This encounter, which began around 10:20 p.m., tragically ended with Mway being fatally shot by Utica police.

Video footage of Nyay Mway sparks outrage

A video of the incident has gone viral, depicting a chaotic scene on a darkened street. Three officers can be seen in the video chasing Mway and the other minor. Amidst bystander screams, one officer tackles Mway to the ground.

Moments later, a gunshot is heard, eliciting shocked screams from those present. One bystander's voice on the video captured the shock of the moment, saying, "Oh my God! Yo! He just shot him."

Following the shooting, the three officers involved were placed on paid administrative leave while an investigation into the incident was initiated. At a press conference attended by members of the Mway family, Utica Police Chief Mark Williams told the audience that Mway allegedly displayed a handgun as he attempted to flee from the officers. The police later found a Glock pellet gun with a detachable magazine at the scene.

Reactions on Nyay Mway's death and official statements


The Utica community, particularly its large refugee population, including many from Myanmar, where the Mway family originated, was shocked and saddened by the incident. Utica Mayor Michael Galime expressed his condolences to Mway's family and promised transparency in the investigation, stating that body camera footage would be released soon.

"I cannot express, in words, the sorrow that this event has brought upon us," Mayor Galime stated during the press conference. "Our hearts go out to the families affected and the entire community."

As the investigation into Nyay Mway's tragic death continues, the community is deeply affected. The incident has sparked debate about police procedures and the use of force, spreading beyond Utica as people seek answers and justice for the young boy whose life was cut short.

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Know more about Nyay Mway:

How old was Nyay Mway?
Nyay Mway was 13 years old.

Why did the police shoot Nyay Mway?
According to reports, Nyay Mway allegedly displayed a pellet gun as he attempted to flee from the police.

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Sakina is a seeker of truth and uncovers hidden perspectives, ensuring her readers are not just informed but



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