Aquarius to Pisces: 4 Zodiac Signs Who Find Their Bliss in Parental Bonds

A few star signs view their parents as the primary source of joy in their lives. So, they tend to revel in their triumphs and offer them endless support.

Aditi Balsaver
Written by Aditi Balsaver , Horoscope Expert
Published on Sep 10, 2024 | 05:00 PM IST | 38.8K
Aquarius to Pisces: 4 Zodiac Signs Who Find Their Bliss in Parental Bonds
Aquarius to Pisces: 4 Zodiac Signs Who Find Their Bliss in Parental Bonds
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Kobe Bryant once said, “My parents are my backbone. Still are. They're the only group that will support you if you score 0 or you score 40.” Indeed, true to Bryant’s words, some star signs treasure their parental bond and find a lot of contentment in the love and connection they share with their loved ones. After all, we all require people we can confide in during both ecstatic and sad times!

So, these individuals view their mom and dad as a wellspring of inspiration, drawing strength from their affection for them. Above all else, they lean on their mother and father to find their daily dose of joy. Take a look at who they are:


At their core, Scorpions are kind-hearted and often tend to put their family's happiness first. Wrapped in the warmth of their parent's love, they find the courage to chase their dreams. So, they find that their happiness is often reliant on their mother and father’s contentment. Indeed, these water signs beam when their parents or siblings are cheerful and shed a tear when their family members are unhappy.

In fact, they also consider their mom and dad to be a well of encouragement in their lives. This is why they find a great deal of joy in taking care of their senior parents and bringing smiles to their faces as they grow older. 




For Leos, a healthy dose of attention is a constant need, for their happiness partially hinges on being in the limelight. So, being the star of the show within their family makes Leos really happy. Indeed, a sunny picnic with their parents or a Sunday barbeque never fails to paint a radiant smile on Leo's face. Additionally, this fire sign would never be too busy to help their father with gardening or throw a fabulous dinner by helping their mother with cooking.

Over time, these fiery personalities lean on their parents for strength and hope to be their pillar of unwavering assistance as they navigate life's challenges. In a nutshell, Leos desire to be present and offer their mom and dad continuous support as they age.



A large part of Aquarius’ happiness is derived from the joys and triumphs of their loved ones, as they hold their parents close to their hearts. Whenever these Water-bearers (the symbol of Aquarius) crave a dose of cheerfulness in their lives, they head off to spend some time in their family home.


On their weekends or holidays, they love to plan something fun like a game night where their mom and dad laugh until they can't anymore. Indeed, these air signs find immense pleasure in hanging out with their mother and father and cherish the happiness and support they bring into their lives.



Pisces-born individuals have a tendency to excel in uplifting the mood of everyone around them. What’s more, these water signs see their parents as a source of motivation in their lives. The love received from their folks really inspires them to seize the day. Also, aiding their loved ones with any obstacles in life lets Pisces experience feelings of contentment, as they are grounded souls at heart.

When they’re spending time at home, they ditch the distractions, stash away their phone, and keep work duties at bay to watch the smiles on their parents’ faces. This is precisely what makes them the happiest they can be.



Above all, these individuals find themselves uplifted by the special relationships they share with their mom and dad. So, whenever they look around at their family, they just feel a little bubble of gratitude in their heart! 

Disclaimer: These attributes are generic and may not necessarily hold true for you.

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Aditi Balsaver
Aditi Balsaver
Horoscope Expert

A voracious reader and animal lover, Aditi is currently exploring the mysterious world of Astro sciences to decode the



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